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Where'dja say the dunny was mate??

dunny (plural dunnies)

  1. (Australian English) (slang) A [toilet]]. Possibly an outside toilet and by implication old, ramshackle.


  1. bukan lagi nada flush, kalau d check bawah lantai atu mayb piping work pun nada kali...

  2. hahaha doing business under the sun!

    awu eh kirakan lubang berhias ganya tu bah. mana ada pipes or flush tu hehe

  3. Funny caption aside, it was quite sad to see the state of what's left of Kg Sultan Lama which was ravaged in the fires a few years back. I spotted quite a few of these open air dunnies where once houses stood.

    In fact, some of the house that are still intact even had curtains and its contents still lying in them for years. Quite a depressing sight I tell ya...


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