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Blue Lagoon

Happy Birthday to Rano. Wishing you health, wealth, and happiness bro!
Enjoy your special day/night!
Came across this hilarious Top Ten Signs of Blog Addiction. Have a chuckle on the house:

10. You check your blog stats a LOT. You occasionally get up in the middle of the night and sneak a peak.

9. Your significant other suspects you are having an affair with your blog. Even when you’re alone with your special person, you do find yourself thinking what your blog might be doing right then…

8. You “mental blog” while driving or on the train, and sometimes even when you are alone in the shower.

7. You filter everything through your post-writing. You can’t watch a movie, see a play, read an article, or share a sweet moment with your child without thinking of whether it’s blog-worthy.

6. You suffer from “blog envy” when another blogger posts something juicy before you do. You suffer “comment envy” when said post gets 40-something comments – the jerk!

5. You “binge blog” 3 or 4 posts at once—only to feel guilty and empty afterward.

4. You ditched all your real friends for blog friends, because, well, “they understand.” You bypass Bowling Alone at the bookstore (who really cares?) while you reach for Naked Conversations.

3. You think, “I can stop at any time.”

2. Your lunch hour has become your “blog hour.” You keep a few posts tucked in your desk in case you need them during the day.

1. After 5 minutes of meeting someone really interesting you ask, “So - do you blog?”


  1. Bro.. The first pic is awesome..
    Thanks for sharing the signs of blog addiction.. Hilarious indeed! Could be true!! Only bloggers know!!

  2. Beautiful pic of the blue lagoon! keep sharing ok!

  3. if u have signs of blog addiction is there a doctor for treatment? Dr. Pablo, maybe?

  4. I suffer from some of the above hehe. Beau and I have confirmed that i am an addict so have terminated e speed as first step. Now suffering from mild withdrawal symptoms. Outings now involve sneaking my laptop in the car incase we happen to lunch/tea/dinner out to a WIFI cafe/restaurant. Currently surfing on B mobile and thinking maybe not a good idea! i heart my laptop. i still heart espeed. i heart blogging. i heart my blog friends.

  5. That Blue Lagoon pic doesn't look like it's from Brunei - incroyable! Well done as usual and keep 'em coming!!!

  6. Hi I'm MAMALOBENGS and I'm a BLOG-ADDICT!! Its a really case of laptop on one hand and my child in the other! Husband knows my addiction and asks that I seek help.. HELLPPPP!!!

  7. If blogs were people I'd marry them.

  8. hahaha - thank god I am only ultra addicted to food but not blogging.

    I do check stats too much nowadays - could be developing early signs.

  9. Sh*t! Why you have to point them denial...I don't do ANY of them.

  10. Hahahah neither do I!!! I am absolutely, categorically NOT addicted to blogging!

  11. Hi, my name is Vixennova. I only go by this name. I am a blog-addict and my laptop is my only best-friend.


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