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Centerpieces and Such...

You may have noticed I've started putting "Click to Buy" banners on some of my pictures. As a result, I've received several email inquiries about prints of my works with questions about size, mount, frame etc. So I thought I'd give all prospective buyers out there an idea of what they will get when they purchase an original anakbrunei framed print.

To start with, the pictures will be printed in stunning colour on high quality matte finish media (11in x 18in)*. It will then be pressed onto a double white border. Finally, it will be mounted into a custom-made high quality black lacquer frame (20in x 24in)* which will be finished with non-reflective glass.

Below are some samples:

Note: Dimensions are estimated and may vary according to buyers' requirements and the size and aspect of the print itself.

As you can probably imagine, these high quality framed prints would be right at home on the main wall of your office or conference room, or even in your living or dining room. I will be more than happy to discuss slight variations to the style but generally I would like to maintain this style of frame as my "signature" style.

Hope that helps give an idea of the product. Other formats are in the works like postcards, placemats, stationery, and even wallpapers (tks for the suggestion Aeny!). If you have a specific product in mind, I'd be happy to meet with you to discuss your requirements. Click on the email icon on the sidebar to drop me a line!


  1. how much do u sell for 8R size?

  2. The price is also anonymous heheh! Seriously though, if you'd like to purchase a print, feel free to email me and I will reply with pricing details k?


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