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Faces - Part 3

Thank you all for such an over-whelming response to the calendar project. Thanks to fellow bloggers Jewelle, Kantalensa, amieheidi, roses, Nonnie, Zadm, Bahapakitani, and R&al who mentioned it in their blogs. Hopefully more will do the same for this worthwhile cause. I am aiming to sell 1,000 pieces of this calendar and still have a long way to go. Need all the help I can get!

I am currently working on the pickup/payment points for the calendars. It may be at the SMARTER centers in Sengkurong and KB but that's yet to be confirmed.

For those who have ordered, thank you so much, kalau boleh tambah lagi heheh! Yang alum atu, jan malu2... I think you can do without a latte for a day, or two, or ten! Heheheh!

Click here to order! Hey! Be a man! Do the right thing!


  1. jan lupa mention my blog jua Bro. Tadi ptg sudah me buat promotion jua hahaha

  2. Thousand apologies bro! Inda keliatan tadi heheh! Added accordingly! Thanks so much for the support!

  3. Amazing Idea. It's good there are people like you out there who's doing it for charity. Respect bro, respect. Keep it up!


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