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Taurean Mark III

Congratulations Mr and Mrs T on the soft opening of your third Taurean outlet at The Arch, Gadong. The AB gang has a long history with them. Da missus has been supplying the Superlicious ® Home-Baked Brownie Cookies that comes with all hot beverages at Taurean since they opened nearly seven years ago and we're also all members of the Taurean gang since Mr & Mrs T, Da missus and I are all Taureans. Anyway, to Mr & Mrs T, congratulations once again!

Impressive architecture

Like a cosy living room eh?

Ingredients for a good mocktail

The smokers' room

If you haven't done so, do check out the new Taurean Cafe today! They're open till 1am so perfect place to lepak while waiting for sahur :)


  1. i was in brunei for a week! Great place, great people! Can't wait to come back again!

  2. great place, dream to visit hmm
    say hallo from indonesia

  3. Hello Everybody,

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