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Big sigh of relief...

When da missus decided to give Yoga a try last week, I had to opportunity to sit in on (and photograph hehe) a beginners' Yoga session conducted by this wonderful woman.

It was different from the open air sessions as the acoustics in the studio meant you could hear her soothing voice very clearly. The woman has an uncanny ability to sooth and calm a restless mind and by the end of the session, even I felt somewhat relaxed!

Went for a colonoscopy for the first time in my life today. The procedure involves inserting a tube with a video camera on the tip, into one's nether regions, and having a look around to find any unusual growths or ulcers in the colon.

The process starts the day before with two doses of mild laxatives that have you parked on the loo for hours. This is necessary of course to ensure a clear picture when they go in. Before the procedure, a sedative is administered that puts you in the twilight zone.

You can still feel the tube going in and its not so bad... BUT as it reaches the transverse colon towards the descending colon, it feels like you just got punched in the gut! OOOOF!

Anyway, after the brief procedure, it was a big relief to learn that my colon is clear. I will sleep well tonight...


  1. cam kenal lelaki sorang atu...hahahha

  2. Aku: bukan lagi macam hehe... memang kenal! :P

    katie-ella: I was contemplating posting pics of my colon, but I think that would be WAY too much info! Well, until one has to go through the same procedure of course! Heheh!

  3. Not going to comment on the colon experience. But definitely Danura's voice is indeed soothing and reassuring. Her class is great and many of us enjoyed every moment of it!. I like it when she reassured us that some of the difficult yoga poses represent the challenges in our life that we must go through and excel!

  4. What a good boy you are..checking out your colon. better safe than sorry. good to hear that everything's ok. :)

  5. that guy, memang kenal. Confirm! hehe

  6. simply reading this already give me the ouch... ngilu bro.

  7. Better for it to go down... rather than going up through the...

    Um... nvm...

    Anyway that looks like an awesome yoga session. Bringing a reflective umbrella into that confined environment would net good results, alongside other strobes helping to carve out the yoga practicioner's shapes.

  8. hey, i cant help but notice uve got good shots. I'm trying out..well sorta wanna learn , any advice. oni have a crappy digital camera with me now.


  9. souljah: in a colonoscopy, the tube DOES come up from behind! Hehehe! I agree with you on the umbrella & strobes, but I dont think the yogis and yoginis would appreciate that though heheh.. very distracting

    lizzy: thank you for your kind words. sorta wanna eh? well, u are more than welcome to join us at Jing Chew usually on Friday mornings where we "talk tech"... can learn a lot heheh


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