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Return of the Prodigal Son...

Today's gibberish is brought to you by

Have you ever needed to transform your functionality? With one click? Without meticulously-planned global, value-added project management, aggregation are forced to become customized. Think e-business. We pride ourselves not only on our client-focused feature set, but our easy administration and non-complex operation.

Without preplanned action-items, partnerships are forced to become B2C2B. We believe we know that if you brand virally then you may also optimize iteravely. Is it more important for something to be back-end, reality-based or to be bricks-and-clicks? Imagine a combination of XForms and XMLHttpRequest.

We think that most extensible splash pages use far too much PNG, and not enough PGP. Quick: do you have a 24/7, plug-and-play strategy for managing emerging interfaces? Our feature set is unmatched in the industry, but our 60/60/24/7/365 ultra-interactive subscriber communities and non-complex configuration is invariably considered a remarkable achievement.

We apply the proverb "A barking dog never bites" not only to our TQM but our ability to facilitate.


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