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Parents are role models...

Parents are the most influential role models children are likely to have. Parents who pay compliments and show respect, kindness, honesty, friendliness, hospitality and generosity to their children will encourage them to behave in the same way.

Parents should express their unconditional love for their children, as well as provide them with the continued support they need to become self-assured and happy.

It is also important that parents set reasonable expectations for their children and tell them in plain words what they expect from them.


  1. Everytime I see photos of your kids, I can't resist going AWWWWW!!! :)

  2. Thanks mama, I go goo-goo-gaa-gaa over them too... although these days its more of arrrghhh cos they're bickering all the time... I guess its what kids do, and my childhood bickering with my sibings has come back to haunt me hehheh


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